Research Profile

Siobhain O'Mahony


Siobhain O'Mahony has lead a successful academic (Director of two academic Programmes (2017-2023) and research career (H-index of 49). She graduated with a B.Sc. (Hons) in Neuroscience from University College cork. She then went on to complete a Masters in Neuropharmacology in the National University of Ireland, Galway. Siobhain worked in the Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology in the University of Maastricht, the Netherlands, which was funded by a Marie Curie Fellowship. Siobhain obtained a PhD. from the department of Psychiatry, UCC. She continued her research on adverse early life events and the development of pain-related disorders during a post-doctoral post in the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, Biosciences Institute, UCC. She then took up a post-doctoral position with GlaxoSmithKline validating lead compounds targeting visceral pain in models of irritable bowel syndrome. In 2008 Siobhain was appointed as Lecturer in the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience at UCC. She is involved in teaching Anatomy and Neuroscience across 12 Programmes in UCC. She established the first of its kind in Ireland, MSc in Human Anatomy in 2017 and Directed this successful Programme for 3 years. She then went on to Direct the BSc in Neuroscience for another 3 years. Siobhain is also the coordinator of GM1001, a multi-discipline module for Graduate Entry to Medicine. 
Siobhain's main research areas assess outcomes of adverse events during the first 1000 days of life in particular the disruption of the developing gut microbiota through events such as antibiotic usage or stressful situations and maternal gut health. The outcomes assessed include the development of visceral pain in adulthood and alterations in the signaling in the brain-gut-microbiota axis.
Siobhain also works in the Women's Health Research and Innovation space. She investigates the role of the microbiome in Menopause and its involvement in driving central nervous system dysfunction such as cognitive decline and co-morbid stress related disorders. Siobhain is funded by Enterprise Ireland to development a supplement to improve health in peri/menopausal women. Siobhain also investigates diet and the microbiome in Endometriosis and has received EU funding to work with a consortium to use diet and cognitive behavioural therapy to improve outcomes for Endometriosis. Her research group is based in the APC Microbiome Ireland (Principal Investigator) and the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience in the Biosciences Institute and the Western Gateway Building.

Research Interests

I have published in high-impact internationally peer-reviewed journals consistently since 2005. I have a H-index of 49 (Google Scholar) and have 12752 citations e.g. as Gastroenterology, Biological Psychiatry, Elife and Brain Behaviour and Immunity.
My main research interest lies in the communication within the brain-gut-microbiota axis. It is recognised that this axis regulates gastrointestinal function in both healthy and diseased states. However, a role for the enteric microbiota including both commensal and pathogenic organisms in these interactions has only been recognised in the past few years. The gastrointestinal bacterial community is responsible for important functions including development of the immune system, pain modulatory system, protection of the gut and it is also known to impact on behaviour. The brain can influence enteric microbiota indirectly and communication from enteric microbiota to the host occurs via multiple mechanisms and can influence brain and behaviour. A dysfunction in the signalling systems within this axis can result in life-long debilitating disorders with a significant decrease in quality of life.  
The early neonatal period is the most dynamic stage of gastrointestinal bacterial colonisation when important host-microbe relationships are forged.  During early life a number of factors may interfere with the appropriate colonisation of the gut rendering an individual susceptible to the development of disorders that are associated with an altered gut microbiota such as irritable bowel disorder (IBS). We study the implications of interrupting the bacterial colonisation of the gut in early life. As well as postnatal life we investigate the effects of stressors during preconception and pregnancy on the colonisation of the infant gut.
I am also interested in the gender and sex differences with regard to the impact of these stressors and manifestation of disease. I also study the role of the gut microbiota in different types of pain and whether profiling the bacteria within our bowel can predict our response to stress and surgical interventions.
My research also focuses on Women's Health. I am leading a research and commercialization team funded by  Enterprise Ireland where we will develop a supplement to improve health during peri/menopause 
I am also investigating diet, microbiome and cognitive behavioural therapy for improvement of outcomes in endometriosis through an EU funded consortium award (12 partners/11 countries). 

I also carry out research in Learning and Teaching and have successfully led the team who developed a new, safer embalming method in use in our Anatomy Lab in UCC. I also research novel teaching methods to enhance learning such as haptico-visual observation/drawing method to enhance retention of anatomy and virtual reality for visualisation for anatomy. 

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
The Role of the Microbiome in Postnatal Depression and Developmental Outcome in the Offspring of Maternally Separated Rats.Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (IRCSET)€96,000.00
Towards developing a pregnancy supplement with anti-inflammatory potential.Miscellaneous01-OCT-2330-SEP-24€5,000.00
Early-Life Prediction of Stress-Induced Visceral Sensitivity EMiscellaneous14-JAN-1931-OCT-21€60,800.00
Does the Gut Microbiota Gate Pain Sensitivity: Impact of Gender, Stress, and Leaky GutScience Foundation Ireland01-JUN-1631-AUG-16€2,500.00
Increased Maternal Stress Signature and Infant Neurodevelopment Impairment: Determining the Beneficial Effects of HMOsOther: Not Listed02-OCT-2331-DEC-24€70,200.00
Generation of a panel of healthy vaginal microbiome for future innovationMiscellaneous01-SEP-2331-AUG-24€5,000.00
EUmetriosisEuropean Commission06-JAN-2501-JAN-30€823,026.00
Fusion of Gut microbiome and Breast milk Metabolome: A stepping-stone to understand the impact of microbial metabolism on child neurodevelopmentOther: Not Listed02-AUG-2101-AUG-22€66,270.00
Investigation of the potential of probiotic administration to improve neurobehavioral, molecular, and structural brain changes in the offspring in an animal model of pre-eclampsia.Irish Research Council01-SEP-2231-AUG-25€82,500.00
TP H&H ,Arla FoodsSFI Industry05-DEC-2230-APR-24€108,714.00
NourishMind: Unraveling the Impact of Early-Life High-fat, High Sugar Diets on Neuro-Cognitive Development and Gut-Brain PathwaysOther: Not Listed07-OCT-2428-FEB-26
Enterprise Ireland Commercialisation Fund-FemmeMenoEnterprise Irl17-JUN-2416-DEC-25€761,828.00
The impact of diet on pain in women with endometriosisOther: Not Listed05-APR-2104-APR-25€112,000.00
IRCSET EMBARK PG Valeria Felice :Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (IRCSET)04-OCT-1003-OCT-14€72,000.00
273 APC3 TP Mead Johnson & Company Prof S O'Mahony [R MFGM Effects on Gut Health Resilience and Microbiota.SFI Industry11-DEC-1731-MAY-19€137,173.00
Patient response to lumbar epidural steroid injection for recent onset unilateral radicular low back pain: potential association with gut microbiota diversity and composition.UCC TRAP (Translational Research Access Programme)01-SEP-1831-AUG-19€10,000.00
“PROTECT: PRiming fOr healThy Eating via the diet-miCrobioTa-gut-brain axis”,Other: Not Listed03-JAN-2202-JAN-24
APC4 12/RC/2273 _P2 TP (post May 2019) Mead Johnson & Company Prof S O'Mahony [R]SFI Industry01-JUN-1930-JUN-19€20,007.00
Stress-induced Enhanced Gastrointestinal Permeability During Pregnancy: Impact on Maternal Immunology and Neurodevelopmental OutcomesHealth Research Board01-JAN-1901-JAN-20€179,000.00
Defining Sex Differences in PainEuropean Commission02-OCT-2331-OCT-24€50,000.00
Saoirse Kelly - SS-2023-048Health Research Board19-JUN-2313-AUG-23€2,400.00
Stress Management During PregnancyHealth Research Board01-DEC-1801-JAN-19€17,200.00
Conference and Workshop Funding for: International Society for Serotonin Research “Serotonin on the Wild Atlantic Way” 2018Science Foundation Ireland01-JUN-1830-JUL-19€17,000.00
Feasibility study to assess the commercial opportunities for gut bacteria-targeted menopause solutionsEnterprise Irl25-SEP-2331-JAN-24€19,500.00


Book Chapters

(2024)'The Brain and the Microbiome in Nutrition and Metabolism'
Harriet Schellekens, Mara-ioana Iesanu and Siobhain O'Mahony (2024) 'The Brain and the Microbiome in Nutrition and Metabolism' In: Nutrition and Metabolism, 3rd Edition. UK: Wiley. [Details]
(2023)'Importance of the Microbiota in Early Life and Influence on Future Health'
James Collins and Siobhain O'Mahony (2023) 'Importance of the Microbiota in Early Life and Influence on Future Health' In: The Gut-Brain Axis Dietary, Probiotic, and Prebiotic Interventions on the Microbiota. 2nd edition. UK: Elservier. [Details]
(2021)'Gut Microbiota as a Mediator of Host Neuro-Immune Interactions: Implications in Neuroinflammatory Disorders'
Caputia V, Popov J, Giron MC, O'Mahony SM (2021) 'Gut Microbiota as a Mediator of Host Neuro-Immune Interactions: Implications in Neuroinflammatory Disorders' In: Microbes and the Mind. The Impact of the Microbiome on Mental Health. Mod Trends Psychiatry. UK: Karger. [Details]
(2021)'The Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis: A New Window to View the Impact of Prenatal Stress on Early Neurodevelopment'
Rotem-Kohavi N, Keane J, Clarke G, Dinan TG, Cryan JF, McCarthy FP, Oberlander TF, O’Mahony SM. (2021) 'The Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis: A New Window to View the Impact of Prenatal Stress on Early Neurodevelopment' In: Prenatal Stress and Child Development. UK: Springer. [Details]
(2015)'Visceral pain and psychiatric disorders'
Felice V.;Moloney R.;Cryan J.;Dinan T.;O'Mahony S. (2015) 'Visceral pain and psychiatric disorders' In: Modern Trends in Pharmacopsychiatry. Basel: Karger. [DOI] [Details]
(2015)'Importance of the Microbiota in Early Life and Influence on Future Health'
Verdu EF, Hayes C, O’Mahony SM, (2015) 'Importance of the Microbiota in Early Life and Influence on Future Health' In: The Gut-Brain Axis Dietary, Probiotic, and Prebiotic Interventions on the Microbiota. UK: Elservier. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2024)'An altered gut microbiome in pre-eclampsia:cause or consequence'
Deady C, McCarthy FP, Barron A, McCarthy CM, O'Keeffe GW, O'Mahony SM (2024) 'An altered gut microbiome in pre-eclampsia:cause or consequence'. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 14 [DOI] [Details]
(2024)'An altered gut microbiome in pre-eclampsia: cause or consequence'
Deady, C.,McCarthy, F. P.,Barron, A.,McCarthy, C. M.,O'Keeffe, G. W.,O'Mahony, S. M. (2024) 'An altered gut microbiome in pre-eclampsia: cause or consequence'. Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 14 [DOI] [Details]
(2024)'Prenatal stress impacts foetal neurodevelopment: Temporal windows of gestational vulnerability'
Collins JM;Keane JM;Deady C;Khashan AS;McCarthy FP;O'Keeffe GW;Clarke G;Cryan JF;Caputi V;O'Mahony SM; (2024) 'Prenatal stress impacts foetal neurodevelopment: Temporal windows of gestational vulnerability'. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 164 [DOI] [Details]
(2024)'Prenatal stress impacts foetal neurodevelopment: Temporal windows of gestational vulnerability'
Collins, J. M.,Keane, J. M.,Deady, C.,Khashan, A. S.,McCarthy, F. P.,O'Keeffe, G. W.,Clarke, G.,Cryan, J. F.,Caputi, V.,O'Mahony, S. M. (2024) 'Prenatal stress impacts foetal neurodevelopment: Temporal windows of gestational vulnerability'. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 164 [DOI] [Details]
(2023)'Beta 3-adrenoceptor agonism ameliorates early-life stress-induced visceral hypersensitivity in male rats'
Collins JM;Hyland NP;Clarke G;Fitzgerald P;Julio-Pieper M;Bulmer DC;Dinan TG;Cryan JF;O'Mahony SM; (2023) 'Beta 3-adrenoceptor agonism ameliorates early-life stress-induced visceral hypersensitivity in male rats'. Journal of Neurochemistry, [DOI] [Details]
(2022)'Lipidome analysis in brain and peripheral plasma following milk fat globule membrane supplementation in rodents'
Davies, R.; van Diepen, J. A.; Brink, L. R.; Bijlsma, S.; Neufeld, K. M.; Cryan, J. F.; O’Mahony, S. M.; Bobeldijk, I.; Gross, G. (2022) 'Lipidome analysis in brain and peripheral plasma following milk fat globule membrane supplementation in rodents'. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2021)'Identifying a biological signature of prenatal maternal stress'
Keane, J. M.,Khashan, A. S.,McCarthy, F. P.,Kenny, L. C.,Collins, J. M.,O'Donovan, S.,Brown, J.,Cryan, J. F.,Dinan, T. G.,Clarke, G.,O'Mahony, S. M. (2021) 'Identifying a biological signature of prenatal maternal stress'. JCI Insight, 6 (2) [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Oxidized phospholipids affect small intestine neuromuscular transmission and serotonergic pathways in juvenile mice'
Marsilio, I;Caputi, V;Latorre, E;Cerantola, S;Paquola, A;Alcalde, AI;Mesonero, JE;O'Mahony, SM;Bertazzo, A;Giaroni, C;Giron, MC (2020) 'Oxidized phospholipids affect small intestine neuromuscular transmission and serotonergic pathways in juvenile mice'. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Identifying a biological signature of prenatal maternal stress'
Keane JM;Khashan AS;McCarthy FP;Kenny LC;Collins JM;O'Donovan SM;Brown JR;Cryan JF;Dinan TG;Clarke G;O'Mahony SM; (2020) 'Identifying a biological signature of prenatal maternal stress'. Jci Insight, [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Developing a quantitative method to assess the decomposition of embalmed human cadavers'
Balta J.Y.;Blom G.;Davidson A.;Perrault K.;Cryan J.F.;O'Mahony S.M.;Cassella J.P. (2020) 'Developing a quantitative method to assess the decomposition of embalmed human cadavers'. Forensic Chemistry, 18 [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Post-weaning social isolation of rats leads to long-term disruption of the gut microbiota-immune-brain axis'
Dunphy-Doherty, Fionn; O'Mahony, Siobhain M.; Peterson, Veronica L.; O'Sullivan, Orla; Crispie, Fiona; Cotter, Paul D.; Wigmore, Peter; King, Madeleine V.; Cryan, John F.; Fone, Kevin C. F. (2018) 'Post-weaning social isolation of rats leads to long-term disruption of the gut microbiota-immune-brain axis'. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 68 :261-273 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2019)'Gut microbiota composition is associated with temperament traits in infants'
Aatsinki A.;Lahti L.;Uusitupa H.;Munukka E.;Keskitalo A.;Nolvi S.;O'Mahony S.;Pietilä S.;Elo L.;Eerola E.;Karlsson H.;Karlsson L. (2019) 'Gut microbiota composition is associated with temperament traits in infants'. Brain Behav Immun, [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'The enduring effects of early life stress on the microbiota-gut-brain axis are buffered by dietary supplementation with milk fat globule membrane and a prebiotic blend'
O'Mahony, Siobhain M.; McVey Neufeld, Karen-Anne; Waworuntu, Rosaline V.; Pusceddu, Matteo M.; Manurung, Sarmauli; Murphy, Kiera; Strain, Conall; Laguna, Mamen C.; Peterson, Veronica L.; Stanton, Catherine; Berg, Brian M.; Dinan, Timothy G.; Cryan, John F. (2019) 'The enduring effects of early life stress on the microbiota-gut-brain axis are buffered by dietary supplementation with milk fat globule membrane and a prebiotic blend'. European Journal of Neurology,   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2019)'Microbiota and Neurodevelopmental Trajectories: Role of Maternal and Early-Life Nutrition'
Codagnone M.;Stanton C.;O'Mahony S.;Dinan T.;Cryan J. (2019) 'Microbiota and Neurodevelopmental Trajectories: Role of Maternal and Early-Life Nutrition'. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 74 (Suppl2):16-27 [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'Gut microbiome patterns depending on children's psychosocial stress: Reports versus biomarkers'
Michels N.;Van de Wiele T.;Fouhy F.;O'Mahony S.;Clarke G.;Keane J. (2019) 'Gut microbiome patterns depending on children's psychosocial stress: Reports versus biomarkers'. Brain Behav Immun, [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'A comparison of embalming fluids on the structures and properties of tissue in human cadavers'
Balta JY, Twomey M, Moloney F, Duggan O, Murphy KP, O'Connor OJ, Cronin M, Cryan JF, Maher MM, O'Mahony SM. (2018) 'A comparison of embalming fluids on the structures and properties of tissue in human cadavers'. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Determination of a suitable low-dose abdominopelvic CT protocol using model-based iterative reconstruction through cadaveric study'
Moloney F;Twomey M;Fama D;Balta JY;James K;Kavanagh RG;Moore N;Murphy MJ;O'Mahony SM;Maher MM;Cryan JF;O'Connor OJ; (2018) 'Determination of a suitable low-dose abdominopelvic CT protocol using model-based iterative reconstruction through cadaveric study'. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology, [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2018)'Determination of a suitable low-dose abdominopelvic CT protocol using model-based iterative reconstruction through cadaveric study'
Moloney F, Twomey M, Fama D, Balta JY, James K, Kavanagh RG, Moore N, Murphy MJ, O'Mahony SM, Maher MM, Cryan JF, O'Connor OJ (2018) 'Determination of a suitable low-dose abdominopelvic CT protocol using model-based iterative reconstruction through cadaveric study'. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology, [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'The microbiome and disorders of the central nervous system'
Felice, Valeria D.;O'Mahony, Siobhain M. (2017) 'The microbiome and disorders of the central nervous system'. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 160 :1-13   [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Visceral pain: Role of the microbiome-gut-brain axis'
Rea K.;O'Mahony S.;Dinan T.;Cryan J. (2017) 'Visceral pain: Role of the microbiome-gut-brain axis'. The Biochemist, 39 (2):6-9 [Details]
(2017)'Assessing radiological images of human cadavers: Is there an effect of different embalming solutions?'
Balta, JY;Twomey, M;Moloney, F;O'Connor, OJ;Murphy, KP;Cronin, M;Cryan, JF;Maher, MM;O'Mahony, SM (2017) 'Assessing radiological images of human cadavers: Is there an effect of different embalming solutions?'. Journal Of Forensic Radiology And Imaging, 11 :40-46 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2017)'Assessment of Thiel-embalmed cadavers as a teaching tool for oral anatomy and local anesthesia'
Lone M., McKenna J.P., Balta J.Y., O'Mahony S.M., Cryan J.F., Downer E.J., Toulouse A. (2017) 'Assessment of Thiel-embalmed cadavers as a teaching tool for oral anatomy and local anesthesia'. Journal of Dental Education, 81 (4):420-427   [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Assessment of Thiel-Embalmed Cadavers as a Teaching Tool for Oral Anatomy and Local Anesthesia'
Lone M, McKenna JP, Balta JY, O'Mahony SM, Cryan JF, Downer EJ, Toulouse A (2017) 'Assessment of Thiel-Embalmed Cadavers as a Teaching Tool for Oral Anatomy and Local Anesthesia'. Journal of Dental Education, 81 (4):420-426 [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Estrous cycle influences excitatory amino acid transport and visceral pain sensitivity in the rat: effects of early-life stress'
Moloney, RD,Sajjad, J,Foley, T,Felice, VD,Dinan, TG,Cryan, JF,O'Mahony, SM (2016) 'Estrous cycle influences excitatory amino acid transport and visceral pain sensitivity in the rat: effects of early-life stress'. Biology Of Sex Differences, 7 [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Estrous cycle influences excitatory amino acid transport and visceral pain sensitivity in the rat: effects of early-life stress'
Moloney, R. D. and Sajjad, J. and Foley, T. and Felice, V. D. and Dinan, T. G. and Cryan, J. F. and O'Mahony, S. M. (2016) 'Estrous cycle influences excitatory amino acid transport and visceral pain sensitivity in the rat: effects of early-life stress'. Biology of Sex Differences, 7   [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Distinct alterations in motor & reward seeking behavior are dependent on the gestational age of exposure to LPS-induced maternal immune activation'
Straley, M.E., Van Oeffelen, W., Theze, S., Sullivan, A.M.,O'Mahony, S.M., Cryan, J.F., O'Keeffe, G.W. (2016) 'Distinct alterations in motor & reward seeking behavior are dependent on the gestational age of exposure to LPS-induced maternal immune activation'. Brain Behav Immun,   [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Stress and the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis in Visceral Pain: Relevance to Irritable Bowel Syndrome'
Moloney, R. D. and Johnson, A. C. and O'Mahony, S. M. and Dinan, T. G. and Meerveld, B. G. V. and Cryan, J. F. (2016) 'Stress and the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis in Visceral Pain: Relevance to Irritable Bowel Syndrome'. Cns Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 22 (2):102-117   [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Association between learning style preferences and anatomy assessment outcomes in graduate-entry and undergraduate medical students'
O'Mahony, S.M., Sbayeh, A., Horgan, M., O'Flynn, S., O'Tuathaigh, C.M. (2016) 'Association between learning style preferences and anatomy assessment outcomes in graduate-entry and undergraduate medical students'. Anatomical Sciences Education, 9 :391-399 [Details]
(2015)'Early-life stress selectively affects gastrointestinal but not behavioral responses in a genetic model of brain-gut axis dysfunction'
Hyland, NP;O'Mahony, SM;O'Malley, D;O'Mahony, CM;Dinan, TG;Cryan, JF (2015) 'Early-life stress selectively affects gastrointestinal but not behavioral responses in a genetic model of brain-gut axis dysfunction'. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 27 :105-113 [DOI] [Details]
(2015)'Stress-induced visceral pain: toward animal models of irritable-bowel syndrome and associated comorbidities'
Moloney, R. D. and O'Mahony, S. M. and Dinan, T. G. and Cryan, J. F. (2015) 'Stress-induced visceral pain: toward animal models of irritable-bowel syndrome and associated comorbidities'. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 6   [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Gender-dependent consequences of chronic olanzapine in the rat: effects on body weight, inflammatory, metabolic and microbiota parameters'
Davey, KJ,O'Mahony, SM,Schellekens, H,O'Sullivan, O,Bienenstock, J,Cotter, PD,Dinan, TG,Cryan, JF (2012) 'Gender-dependent consequences of chronic olanzapine in the rat: effects on body weight, inflammatory, metabolic and microbiota parameters'. Psychopharmacology, 221 :155-169 [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'The utility of cadaver-based approaches for the teaching of human anatomy: A survey of British and Irish anatomy teachers'
Balta JY;Cronin M;Cryan JF;O'Mahony SM; (2016) 'The utility of cadaver-based approaches for the teaching of human anatomy: A survey of British and Irish anatomy teachers'. Anatomical Sciences Education, [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Association between learning style preferences and anatomy assessment outcomes in graduate-entry and undergraduate medical students'
O'Mahony SM;Sbayeh A;Horgan M;O'Flynn S;O'Tuathaigh CM; (2016) 'Association between learning style preferences and anatomy assessment outcomes in graduate-entry and undergraduate medical students'. Anatomical Sciences Education, 9 (4) [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Distinct alterations in motor & reward seeking behavior are dependent on the gestational age of exposure to LPS-induced maternal immune activation'
Straley ME;Van Oeffelen W;Theze S;Sullivan AM;O'Mahony SM;Cryan JF;O'Keeffe GW; (2016) 'Distinct alterations in motor & reward seeking behavior are dependent on the gestational age of exposure to LPS-induced maternal immune activation'. Brain Behav Immun, [DOI] [Details]
(2015)'Visceral Pain and Psychiatric Disorders'
Felice VD;Moloney RD;Cryan JF;Dinan TG;O'Mahony SM; (2015) 'Visceral Pain and Psychiatric Disorders'. Metabolic Effects Of Psychotropic Drugs, 30 [DOI] [Details]
(2015)'Human preservation techniques in anatomy: A 21st century medical education perspective'
Balta, J.Y., Cronin, M., Cryan, J. F. and O'Mahony, S. M. (2015) 'Human preservation techniques in anatomy: A 21st century medical education perspective'. Clinical Anatomy, 28 (6) [Details]
(2015)'Early-life stress selectively affects gastrointestinal but not behavioral responses in a genetic model of brain-gut axis dysfunction'
Hyland NP, O'Mahony SM, O'Malley D, O'Mahony CM, Dinan TG, Cryan JF (2015) 'Early-life stress selectively affects gastrointestinal but not behavioral responses in a genetic model of brain-gut axis dysfunction'. Neurogastroenterol & Motility, 27 (1):105-113 [DOI] [Details]
(2015)'Stress-induced visceral pain: toward animal models of irritable-bowel syndrome and associated comorbidities'
Moloney RD, O'Mahony SM, Dinan TG, Cryan JF (2015) 'Stress-induced visceral pain: toward animal models of irritable-bowel syndrome and associated comorbidities'. Frontiers in psychiatry, 6 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Convergence of neuro-endocrine-immune pathways in the pathophysiology of irritable bowel syndrome'
Buckley, MM;O'Mahony, SM;O'Malley, D (2014) 'Convergence of neuro-endocrine-immune pathways in the pathophysiology of irritable bowel syndrome'. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 20 :8846-8858 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Differential activation of the prefrontal cortex and amygdala following psychological stress and colorectal distension in the maternally separated rat'
Felice VD, Gibney SM, Gosselin RD, Dinan TG, O'Mahony SM, Cryan JF (2014) 'Differential activation of the prefrontal cortex and amygdala following psychological stress and colorectal distension in the maternally separated rat'. Neuroscience, 267 :252-262 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Priming for health: gut microbiota acquired in early life regulates physiology, brain and behaviour'
Clarke G, O'Mahony SM, Dinan TG, Cryan JF (2014) 'Priming for health: gut microbiota acquired in early life regulates physiology, brain and behaviour'. Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992), 103 (8):812-819 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Differential visceral pain sensitivity and colonic morphology in four common laboratory rat strains'
O'Malley D, Julio-Pieper M, O'Mahony SM, Dinan TG, Cryan JF (2014) 'Differential visceral pain sensitivity and colonic morphology in four common laboratory rat strains'. Experimental physiology, 99 (2):359-367 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Antipsychotics and the gut microbiome: olanzapine-induced metabolic dysfunction is attenuated by antibiotic administration in the rat'
Davey KJ, Cotter PD, O'Sullivan O, Crispie F, Dinan TG, Cryan JF, O'Mahony SM (2013) 'Antipsychotics and the gut microbiome: olanzapine-induced metabolic dysfunction is attenuated by antibiotic administration in the rat'. Translational psychiatry, 3 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Differential visceral nociceptive, behavioural and neurochemical responses to an immune challenge in the stress-sensitive Wistar Kyoto rat strain'
O' Mahony SM, Clarke G, McKernan DP, Bravo JA, Dinan TG, Cryan JF (2013) 'Differential visceral nociceptive, behavioural and neurochemical responses to an immune challenge in the stress-sensitive Wistar Kyoto rat strain'. Behavioral Brain Research, 253 :310-317 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Disodium cromoglycate reverses colonic visceral hypersensitivity and influences colonic ion transport in a stress-sensitive rat strain'
Carroll SY, O'Mahony SM, Grenham S, Cryan JF, Hyland NP (2013) 'Disodium cromoglycate reverses colonic visceral hypersensitivity and influences colonic ion transport in a stress-sensitive rat strain'. Plos One, 8 (12) [DOI] [Details]
(2006)'Hypothalamic-pituitary-gut axis dysregulation in irritable bowel syndrome: Plasma cytokines as a potential biomarker?'
Dinan, TG;Quigley, EMM;Ahmed, SMM;Scully, P;O'Brien, S;O'Mahony, L;O'Mahony, S;Shanahan, F;Keeling, PWN (2006) 'Hypothalamic-pituitary-gut axis dysregulation in irritable bowel syndrome: Plasma cytokines as a potential biomarker?'. Gastroenterology, 130 :304-311 [DOI] [Details]
(2015)'Early-life stress selectively affects gastrointestinal but not behavioral responses in a genetic model of brain-gut axis dysfunction'
Hyland NP, O'Mahony SM, O'Malley D, O'Mahony CM, Dinan TG, Cryan JF (2015) 'Early-life stress selectively affects gastrointestinal but not behavioral responses in a genetic model of brain-gut axis dysfunction'. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 27 (1):105-113 [Details]
(2015)'Serotonin, tryptophan metabolism and the brain-gut-microbiome axis'
O'Mahony SM, Clarke G, Borre YE, Dinan TG, Cryan JF (2015) 'Serotonin, tryptophan metabolism and the brain-gut-microbiome axis'. Behavioral Brain Research, 277 :32-48 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Differential activation of the prefrontal cortex and amygdala following psychological stress and colorectal distension in the maternally separated rat'
Felice, V. D.,Gibney, S. M.,Gosselin, R. D.,Dinan, T. G.,O'Mahony, S. M.,Cryan, J. F. (2014) 'Differential activation of the prefrontal cortex and amygdala following psychological stress and colorectal distension in the maternally separated rat'. Neuroscienceneuroscience, 267 :252-62   [Details]
(2014)'Priming for health: gut microbiota acquired in early life regulates physiology, brain and behaviour'
Clarke, G.,O'Mahony, S. M.,Dinan, T. G.,Cryan, J. F. (2014) 'Priming for health: gut microbiota acquired in early life regulates physiology, brain and behaviour'. Acta Paediatracta Paediatr, 103 (88):812-9   [Details]
(2014)'Differential visceral pain sensitivity and colonic morphology in four common laboratory rat strains'
O’Malley D, Julio-Pieper M, O’Mahony, SM, Dinan TG & Cryan JF (2014) 'Differential visceral pain sensitivity and colonic morphology in four common laboratory rat strains'. Experimental Physiology, 99 (2):359-367 [Details]
(2014)'Serotonin, tryptophan metabolism and the brain-gut-microbiome axis'
O'Mahony, S. M.,Clarke, G.,Borre, Y. E.,Dinan, T. G.,Cryan, J. F. (2014) 'Serotonin, tryptophan metabolism and the brain-gut-microbiome axis'. Behav Brain Resbehav Brain Res,   [Details]
(2014)'Disturbance of the gut microbiota in early-life selectively affects visceral pain in adulthood without impacting cognitive or anxiety-related behaviors in male rats'
O'Mahony SM, Felice VD, Nally K, Savignac HM, Claesson MJ, Scully P, Woznicki J, Hyland NP, Shanahan F, Quigley EM, Marchesi JR, O'Toole PW, Dinan TG, Cryan JF (2014) 'Disturbance of the gut microbiota in early-life selectively affects visceral pain in adulthood without impacting cognitive or anxiety-related behaviors in male rats'. Neuroscience, 277C :885-901 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Differential visceral nociceptive, behavioural and neurochemical responses to an immune challenge in the stress-sensitive Wistar Kyoto rat strain'
O' Mahony SM, Clarke G, McKernan DP, Bravo JA, Dinan TG, Cryan JF. (2013) 'Differential visceral nociceptive, behavioural and neurochemical responses to an immune challenge in the stress-sensitive Wistar Kyoto rat strain'. European Journal of Pharmacology, 15 (253):310-317 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Antipsychotics and the gut microbiome: olanzapine-induced metabolic dysfunction is attenuated by antibiotic administration in the rat'
Davey, KJ,Cotter, PD,O'Sullivan, O,Crispie, F,Dinan, TG,Cryan, JF,O'Mahony, SM (2013) 'Antipsychotics and the gut microbiome: olanzapine-induced metabolic dysfunction is attenuated by antibiotic administration in the rat'. Translational Psychiatry, 3 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Disodium Cromoglycate Reverses Colonic Visceral Hypersensitivity and Influences Colonic Ion Transport in a Stress-Sensitive Rat Strain'
Carroll, SY,O'Mahony, SM,Grenham, S,Cryan, JF,Hyland, NP (2013) 'Disodium Cromoglycate Reverses Colonic Visceral Hypersensitivity and Influences Colonic Ion Transport in a Stress-Sensitive Rat Strain'. Plos One, 8 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2012)'Gender-dependent consequences of chronic olanzapine in the rat: effects on body weight, inflammatory, metabolic and microbiota parameters'
Davey KJ, O'Mahony SM, Schellekens H, O'Sullivan O, Bienenstock J, Cotter PD, Dinan TG, Cryan JF (2012) 'Gender-dependent consequences of chronic olanzapine in the rat: effects on body weight, inflammatory, metabolic and microbiota parameters'. Pharmacology, 221 (1):155-169 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Rodent models of colorectal distension'
O'Mahony SM, Tramullas M, Fitzgerald P, Cryan JF (2012) 'Rodent models of colorectal distension'. Current protocols in neuroscience / editorial board, Jacqueline N. Crawley ... [et al.], Chapter 9 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'The effects of gabapentin in two animal models of co-morbid anxiety and visceral hypersensitivity'
O'Mahony, SM,Coelho, AM,Fitzgerald, P,Lee, K,Winchester, W,Dinan, TG,Cryan, JF; (2011) 'The effects of gabapentin in two animal models of co-morbid anxiety and visceral hypersensitivity'. European Journal of Pharmacology, 667 :169-174 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'The microbiome-gut-brain axis: from bowel to behavior'
Cryan JF, O'Mahony SM; (2011) 'The microbiome-gut-brain axis: from bowel to behavior'. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 23 (3):187-192 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'Maternal separation as a model of brain-gut axis dysfunction'
O'Mahony, SM; Hyland, NP; Dinan, TG; Cryan, JF; (2011) 'Maternal separation as a model of brain-gut axis dysfunction'. Psychopharmacology,   [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'5-HT2B receptors modulate visceral hypersensitivity in a stress-sensitive animal model of brain-gut axis dysfunction'
O'Mahony, SM; Bulmer, DC; Coelho, AM; Fitzgerald, P; Bongiovanni, C; Lee, K; Winchester, W; Dinan, TG; Cryan, JF; (2010) '5-HT2B receptors modulate visceral hypersensitivity in a stress-sensitive animal model of brain-gut axis dysfunction'. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 22 [DOI] [Details]
(2009)'A distinct subset of submucosal mast cells undergoes hyperplasia following neonatal maternal separation: a role in visceral hypersensitivity?. Gut'
Hyland, N. P.,Julio-Pieper, M.,O'Mahony, S. M.,Bulmer, D. C.,Lee, K.,Quigley, E. M.,Dinan, T. G.,Cryan, J. F.; (2009) 'A distinct subset of submucosal mast cells undergoes hyperplasia following neonatal maternal separation: a role in visceral hypersensitivity?. Gut'. Gut, 58 (7)   [Details]
(2009)'Verapamil in treatment resistant depression: a role for the P-glycoprotein transporter?'
Clarke G, O'Mahony SM, Cryan JF, Dinan TG; (2009) 'Verapamil in treatment resistant depression: a role for the P-glycoprotein transporter?'. Human Psychopharmacology, 24 (3):217-223 [DOI] [Details]
(2009)'Toll-like receptor mRNA expression is selectively increased in the colonic mucosa of two animal models relevant to irritable bowel syndrome'
McKernan DP, Nolan A, Brint EK, O'Mahony SM, Hyland NP, Cryan JF, Dinan TG; (2009) 'Toll-like receptor mRNA expression is selectively increased in the colonic mucosa of two animal models relevant to irritable bowel syndrome'. Plos One, 4 (12) [DOI] [Details]
(2009)'Chain reactions: early-life stress alters the metabolic profile of plasma polyunsaturated fatty acids in adulthood'
Clarke, G; O'Mahony, SM; Hennessy, AA; Ross, P; Stanton, C; Cryan, JF; Dinan, TG; (2009) 'Chain reactions: early-life stress alters the metabolic profile of plasma polyunsaturated fatty acids in adulthood'. Behavioural Brain Research, 205 (1):319-321 [DOI] [Details]
(2009)'Early Life Stress Alters Behavior, Immunity, and Microbiota In Rats: Implications For Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Psychiatric Illnesses'
O'Mahony, SM, Marchesi, JR, Scully, P, Codling, C, Ceolho, AM, Quigley, EMM, Cryan, JF, Dinan, TG; (2009) 'Early Life Stress Alters Behavior, Immunity, and Microbiota In Rats: Implications For Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Psychiatric Illnesses'. Biological Psychiatry, 65 (3):263-267 [DOI] [Details]
(2008)'Evidence of an enhanced central 5HT response in irritable bowel syndrome and in the rat maternal separation model. Neurogastroenterol Motil'
O'Mahony, S.,Chua, A. S.,Quigley, E. M.,Clarke, G.,Shanahan, F.,Keeling, P. W.,Dinan, T. G.; (2008) 'Evidence of an enhanced central 5HT response in irritable bowel syndrome and in the rat maternal separation model. Neurogastroenterol Motil'. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 20 (6):680-8   [Details]
(2007)'Role of paroxetine in interferon-alpha-induced immune and behavioural changes in male Wistar rats'
Myint AM, O'Mahony S, Kubera M, Kim YK, Kenny C, Kaim-Basta A, Steinbusch HW, Leonard BE. (2007) 'Role of paroxetine in interferon-alpha-induced immune and behavioural changes in male Wistar rats'. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 21 (8):843-850 [Details]
(2007)'An isocratic high performance liquid chromatography method for the determination of GABA and glutamate in discrete regions of the rodent brain'
Clarke G, O'Mahony S, Malone G, Dinan TG (2007) 'An isocratic high performance liquid chromatography method for the determination of GABA and glutamate in discrete regions of the rodent brain'. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 160 (2):223-230 [DOI] [Details]
(2006)'Gestational Stress Leads to Depressive-Like Behavioural and Immunological Changes In The Rat'
O'Mahony, SM, Myint, AM, van den Hove, D, Desbonnet, L, Steinbusch, H, Leonard, BE; (2006) 'Gestational Stress Leads to Depressive-Like Behavioural and Immunological Changes In The Rat'. Neuroimmunomodulation, 13 (2):82-88 [DOI] [Details]
(2006)'Central serotonergic and noradrenergic receptors in functional dyspepsia'
O'Mahony, S,Dinan, TG,Keeling, PW,Chua, ASB; (2006) 'Central serotonergic and noradrenergic receptors in functional dyspepsia'. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 12 :2681-2687 [Details]
(2006)'Hypothalamic-pituitary-gut axis dysregulation in irritable bowel syndrome: plasma cytokines as a potential biomarker?'
Dinan, T. G.,Quigley, E. M.,Ahmed, S. M.,Scully, P.,O'Brien, S.,O'Mahony, L.,O'Mahony, S.,Shanahan, F.,Keeling, P. W. (2006) 'Hypothalamic-pituitary-gut axis dysregulation in irritable bowel syndrome: plasma cytokines as a potential biomarker?'. Gastroenterology, 130 (2):304-311 [Details]
(2005)'Efavirenz induces depressive-like behaviour, increased stress response and changes in the immune response in rats'
O'Mahony, SM,Myint, AM,Steinbusch, H,Leonard, BE; (2005) 'Efavirenz induces depressive-like behaviour, increased stress response and changes in the immune response in rats'. Neuroimmunomodulation, 12 :293-298 [DOI] [Details]

Conference Publications

OMahony SM; Savignac HM; O'Brien T; Scully P; Quigley EM; Marchesi, J; O'Toole, PW; Dinan TG; Cryan JF; (2010) Early-life Dysbiosis-Induced Visceral Hypersensitivity in Adulthood Gastroenterology [Details]
(2009)Neurogastroenterology and Motility
Hyland NP, Bongiovanni C, O¿Mahony SM, Fitzgerald P, Dinan TG, Cryan JF; (2009) The combined effects of neonatal psychological stress and an anxious phenotype on visceral hypersensitivity and colonic function in rats Neurogastroenterology and Motility [Details]
O' Mahony SM, Fitzgerald P, O¿ Sullivan B, Dinan TG, Cryan JF; (2009) Aberrant behavioural and physiological responses to a systemic immune challenge in the wistar kyoto rat Neuroscience [Details]
Coelho AM, O'Mahony SM, Taylor CM, Wheeldon A, Fitzgerald P, Dinan TG, Cryan JF, Lee K, Winchester WJ. ; (2008) reverses colorectal distension-induced visceral pain behaviours in rat models of acute and chronic visceral hypersensitivity Gastroenterology [Details]
(2008)Gastroenterology (DDW)
¿ Bulmer DC, O'Mahony SM, Coelho AM, Gray K, Taylor C, Dinan TG, Cryan JF, Lee K, Winchester WJ; (2008) Analgesic effects of 5-HT2B antagonists in pre-clinical models of colorectal pain Gastroenterology (DDW) [Details]
(2008)Second Joint International Meeting for Neurogastroenterology and Motility, Lucerne, Switzerland, November 2008
Clarke G, Mahony SM, Hyland NP, Fitzgerald P, Cryan JF, Dinan TG (2008) Visceral pain and beta3 adrenoceptor modulation a role for the kynurenine pathway? Second Joint International Meeting for Neurogastroenterology and Motility, Lucerne, Switzerland, November 2008 [Details]
(2008)Neurogastroenterology and Motility
¿ O'Mahony SM, Coelho AM, Bulmer DC, Fitzgerald P, Bongiovanni C, Winchester W, Lee K, Dinan TG, Cryan JF; (2008) Central 5-HT2B Receptors Modulate Visceral Hypersensitivity in a Genetic Model of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Neurogastroenterology and Motility [Details]
Mahony SM, Clarke G, Mahony L, Quigley EMM, Cryan JF, Dinan TG. (2007) Depressive behaviours and alterations in the immune and stress response systems following neonatal maternal separation Neuropsychopharmacology [Details]
(2009)Digestive Disease Week
McKernan DP, Nolan A, O'Mahony SM, Hyland NP, Brint E, Dinan TG, Cryan JF.; (2009) Toll-Like Receptor mRNA Expression Is Selectively Increased in the Colonic Mucosa of Two Animal Models of Chronic Stress: Relevance to Irritable Bowel Syndrome Digestive Disease Week [Details]
(2007)Society for Neuroscience
Gosselin RD, O'Mahony S, Gibney S, Fitzgerald P, O’Malley D, Dinan TG and Cryan JF. (2007) Altered spinal glial activation in genetically anxious Wistar Kyoto rats: implications for visceral pain in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Society for Neuroscience [Details]
(2006)Neuroscience Ireland (Cork September 2006)
Clarke G, O'Mahony S, Malone G, Dinan TG. (2006) Determination of GABA and glutamate in discrete regions of the rodent brain Neuroscience Ireland (Cork September 2006) [Details]
(2011)Obese Species
Davey K.J., O'Mahony S.M., Schellekens H., Cotter P.D., O'Sullivan O., Dinan T.G. and Cryan J.F. (2011) Drug Induced Weight Gain in the Rat: Metabolic, inflammatory, microbiota parameters and the role of gender Obese Species [Details]
(2013)Neuroscience Ireland
• Corten MJB, Felice VD, Dinan TG, Cryan JF, O’ Mahony SM (2013) Sex differences in the central processing of visceral stimuli: role of anterior cingulate cortex NMDA receptor subunits Neuroscience Ireland [Details]
(2013)Young Life Scientist's Symposium - Cell Signalling
• Corten MJB, Felice VD, Dinan TG, Cryan JF, O’ Mahony SM (2013) Differential expression of NMDA receptor subunits in the ACC contributes to gender differences in the central processing of visceral stimuli Young Life Scientist's Symposium - Cell Signalling [Details]
(2011)British Pharmacological Society Winter Meeting
O’Connell S, O’Mahony SM and Hyland NP (2011) 5-HT2B receptors regulate enteric neurotransmission in the submucosal plexus of rat colon British Pharmacological Society Winter Meeting   [Details]
(2009)European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (Istanbul, Turkey, September 2009)
Clarke, G,O'Mahony, SM,Ross, P,Stanton, C,Cryan, JE,Dinan, TG (2009) Chain reactions: polyunsaturated fatty acids and the depressive phenotype in maternally separated rodents European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (Istanbul, Turkey, September 2009) , pp.337-338 [Details]
(2008)Neurogastroenterology Motility
Hyland NP, O¿Mahony SM, Bulmer DC, Julio-Pieper M, Bongiovanni C, Dinan TG, Cryan JF. ; (2008) Beta3-adrenoceptor mediated secretion and localisation in the submucosal plexus of descending colon from maternally separated animals Neurogastroenterology Motility , pp.1-159 [Details]
(2007)Irish Society of Gastroenterology, Dublin
20. O’Malley, D, Hyland, N, Julio-Pieper, M, Gosselin, R, Gibney, S, O’Mahony, S, Dinan, TG and Cryan, JF (2007) Early life stress alters colonic CRF1 and CRF2 receptor expression in the rat Irish Society of Gastroenterology, Dublin [Details]
(2012)FENS-IBRO Summer School: Drugs and the Brain
Davey K.J., Cryan J.F., Dinan T.G., and O’Mahony S.M. (2012) Antipsychotic induced weight gain: a role for the brain-gut-microbiota axis FENS-IBRO Summer School: Drugs and the Brain [Details]
(2011)Neuroscience Ireland
Davey K.J., O'Mahony S.M., Schellekens H., O'Sullivan O., Bienenstock J., Cotter P.D., Dinan T.G. and Cryan J.F. (2011) Olanzapine-induced weight gain in the rat affects inflammatory, metabolic and microbiota parameters: role of gender Neuroscience Ireland [Details]
(2011)European College of Neuropsychopharmacology
Davey K.J., O'Mahony S.M., Schellekens H., O'Sullivan O., Cotter P.D., Dinan T.G. and Cryan J.F. (2011) Olanzapine-Induced Weight Gain and Metabolic Effects: possible role for the gut microbiota European College of Neuropsychopharmacology [Details]
(2013)Society for Neuroscience
• Felice VD,Savignac HM,Claesson MJ, Shanahan F, Quigley EM, O’Toole PW,Dinan TG, Cryan JF, andO’Mahony SM (2013) Early-life alteration in microbiota leads to visceral hypersensitivity in adulthood Society for Neuroscience [Details]
(2012)Joint International Neurogastroenterology and Motility meeting
• Felice VD, Dinan TG, Cryan JF, O’ Mahony SM (2012) 5HT2B Receptor mRNA Expression throughout the Brain-Gut Axis is Unaltered in the Maternally Separated Rat Joint International Neurogastroenterology and Motility meeting [Details]
(2008)Digestive Disease Week
Hyland NP, O¿Mahony SM, Bulmer DC, Lee K, Dinan TG & Cryan JF; (2008) Do mast cells contribute to visceral hypersensitivity in adult rats following neonatal psychological stress? Digestive Disease Week San Diego, USA, , 01-JAN-08 - 01-JAN-08 [Details]
(2011)Neuroscience Ireland
• Felice VD, Bravo J, Hyland NP, Dinan TG, Cryan JF, O’Mahony SM (2011) Visceral hypersensitivity induced by early-life stress is reduced by a selective 5-HT2b receptor antagonist and is not associated in increased expression of this receptor in brain areas associated with the emotional aspects of pain Neuroscience Ireland [Details]
(2008)European Behavioural Pharmacology Society Workshop on Behavioural Genetics and Neuropsychiatric Disorders (Cork, Ireland, September 2008)
Clarke, G,O'Mahony, S,Hyland, NP,Fitzgerald, P,Dinan, TG,Cryan, JF (2008) Beta3 adrenoceptor modulation of visceral pain - A possible role for the kynurenine pathway? European Behavioural Pharmacology Society Workshop on Behavioural Genetics and Neuropsychiatric Disorders (Cork, Ireland, September 2008) , pp.671-672 [Details]
(2011)European College of Neuropsychopharmacology workshop on Neuropsychopharmacology for Young Scientists in Europe, Nice, France
Schellekens, H, Davey, K. J., O’Mahony S.M., Dinan, T.G., & Cryan, J.F (2011) Olanzapine-induced weight gain is associated with increased hypothalamic ghrelin receptor (GHS-R1a) expression European College of Neuropsychopharmacology workshop on Neuropsychopharmacology for Young Scientists in Europe, Nice, France [Details]
(2012)Neuroscience Ireland
• Felice VD, Moloney RD, O’Connor RM, Dinan TG, Cryan JF, O’ Mahony SM (2012) Glial excitatory amino acid transporter EAAT1/EAAT2 in the rat spinal cord: role in visceral hypersensitivity Neuroscience Ireland [Details]
(2013)Young Life Scientist's Symposium - Cell Signalling
• Hanley B, Corten MJB, Felice VD, Dinan TG, Cryan JF, O’ Mahony SM (2013) The Role of Glutamate Signalling in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex in a Rat Model of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Young Life Scientist's Symposium - Cell Signalling [Details]
(2013)Young Life Scientist's Symposium - Cell Signalling
• Felice VD, Corten MJB, Dinan TG, Cryan JF, O’ Mahony SM (2013) 2013). Sex differences in the processing of visceral stimuli: a role for excitatory amino acid transporters Young Life Scientist's Symposium - Cell Signalling [Details]
(2013)Neuroscience Ireland
• Felice VD, Corten MJB, Dinan TG, Cryan JF, O’ Mahony SM (2013) Sex differences in the processing of visceral stimuli: a role for excitatory amino acid transporters Neuroscience Ireland [Details]
(2008)Neurogastroenterology Motility
Clarke G, O¿ Mahony SM, Hyland NP, Fitzgerald P, Cryan JF, Dinan TG. ; (2008) Visceral pain and beta3 adrenoceptor modulation a role for the kynurenine pathway? Neurogastroenterology Motility , pp.1-159 [Details]



Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2024Horary Fellowship into the Faculty of Pain Medicine Ireland College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland
2023Clinical Impact Award UCC Gateway
2023Entrepreneurship bursary APC Microbiome Ireland, UCC
2023Engaged Research Award APC Microbiome Ireland, UCC
2023Entrepreneur and Industry Person of the year Award APC, Microbiome Ireland, UCC
2021Innovation and Teaching Award College of Medicine and Health UCC
2009Ray Clouse Award Rome Foundation
2011Lab member (Kieran Davey) awarded Poster Award European College of Neuropsychopharmacology
2011Lab member (Kieran Davey) awarded Travel Bursary. European College of Neuropsychopharmacology
2009Poster of distinction Digestive Disease Week
2011Lab member (Kieran Davey) awarded Travel Bursary. Obese Species
2007Poster Award European College of Neuropsychopharmacology
2012Lab member (Valeria Felice) awarded Travel Bursary. School of Medicine
2007Travel award European College of Neuropsychopharmacology
2008Poster of distinction DDW-Gastroenterology
2008Award for best oral presentation Neuroscience Ireland
2008Young investigator award NGM

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
Irish Pain Society Member06-SEP-15 /
Endometriosis Association of Ireland Member of Research Committee28-JUL-24 /
Faculty of Pain Medicine, Ireland; College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland Horary Fellow21-JUN-24 /
European Institute for Women’s Health Member01-SEP-22 /
Neuroscience Ireland Member01-SEP-16 /
Irish Pain Society Communication06-SEP-15 /
Anatomical Society Member08-AUG-23 /

Conference Contributions

(2013)8th Neuroscience Ireland Conference 2013,
O'Driscoll D, O’Shea ER, Edge D, O'Halloran KD, Cryan JF, O’Mahony SM, O'Keeffe GW. (2013) Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy: early neurobehavioural consequences in neonatal rats. [Poster Presentation], 8th Neuroscience Ireland Conference 2013, Cork, Ireland , 12-SEP-13 - 13-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013)8th Neuroscience Ireland Conference 2013,
Straley M, O'Mahony S, O'Keeffe GW (2013) Prenatal Infection has Differential Effects on Fetal Mesencephalic Development, Depending on Gestational Age of Inflammatory Event. [Poster Presentation], 8th Neuroscience Ireland Conference 2013, Cork, Ireland , 09-SEP-13 - 11-SEP-13. [Details]
(2009)European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2009,
Clarke G, O'Mahony SM, Hennessy AA, Ross P, Stanton C, Cryan JF, Dinan TG (2009) Chain reactions: Polyunsaturated fatty acids and the depressive phenotype in maternally separated rodents. [Poster Presentation], European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2009, Istanbul , 12-SEP-09 - 16-SEP-09. [Details]
(2008)Meeting for Neurogastroenterology and Motility Second Joint International M,
Hyland NP, O¿Mahony SM, Bongiovanni C, Julio-Pieper, M, Bulmer DC, Dinan TG, Cryan JF; (2008) Beta3-adrenoceptor mediated secretion and localisation in the submucosal plexus of descending colon from maternally separated animals. [Poster Presentation], Meeting for Neurogastroenterology and Motility Second Joint International M, Lucerne, Switzerland , 01-NOV-08 - 01-NOV-08. [Details]
(2008)Irish Society of Gastroenterology Spring Conference,
Hyland NP, O¿Mahony SM, Bulmer DC, Lee K, Dinan TG & Cryan JF; (2008) Do mast cells contribute to visceral hypersensitivity in adult rats following neonatal psychological stress?. [Poster Presentation], Irish Society of Gastroenterology Spring Conference, Sligo, Ireland , 01-APR-08 - 01-APR-08. [Details]
(2008)European Behavioural Pharmacology Society Workshop on Behavioural Genetics and Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Cork, Ireland, September 2008,
Clarke G, O’Mahony SM, Hyland, NP, Fitzgerald P, Cryan JF, Dinan TG (2008) Beta3 adrenoceptor modulation of visceral pain-a possible role for the kynurenine pathway?. [Poster Presentation], European Behavioural Pharmacology Society Workshop on Behavioural Genetics and Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Cork, Ireland, September 2008, Cork , 25-AUG-08 - 27-AUG-08. [Details]
(2008)Second Joint International Meeting for Neurogastroenterology and Motility,
O¿Mahony SM, Fitzgerald P, Bulmer DC, Coelho AM, Dinan TG & Cryan JF; (2008) Central 5-HT2B receptors modulate visceral hypersensitivity in a genetic model of irritable bowel syndrome. [Poster Presentation], Second Joint International Meeting for Neurogastroenterology and Motility, Lucerne, Switzerland , 01-NOV-08 - 01-NOV-08. [Details]
(2008)Digestive Disease Week,
Coelho AM, O 'Mahony SM, Taylor CM, Wheeldon A, Fitzgerald P, Dinan T, Cryan JF, Lee K, Winchester WJ.; (2008) Gabapentin reverses colorectal distension-induced visceral pain behaviours in rat models of acute and chronic visceral hypersensitivity. [Poster Presentation], Digestive Disease Week, San Diego, USA , 01-JAN-08 - 01-JAN-08. [Details]
(2006)Neuroscience Ireland, Cork September 2006,
Clarke G, O'Mahony S, Malone G, Dinan TG (2006) Determination of GABA and glutamate in discrete regions of the rodent brain. [Poster Presentation], Neuroscience Ireland, Cork September 2006, Cork , 21-SEP-06 - 22-SEP-06. [Details]
(2008)European-Behavioural-Pharmacology-Society Workshop on Behavioural Genetics and Neuropsychiatric Disorders,
Clarke G, O'Mahony S, Hyland NP, Dinan TG & Cryan JF; (2008) Beta3 adrenoceptor modulation of visceral pain - A possible role for the kynurenine pathway?. [Poster Presentation], European-Behavioural-Pharmacology-Society Workshop on Behavioural Genetics and Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Cork, Ireland , 01-AUG-08 - 01-AUG-08. [Details]
(2008)Digestive Disease Week,
Bulmer DC, O' Mahony, SM, Coelho A-M, Gray K, Taylor CM, Dinan TG, Cryan JF, Lee K, Winchester WJ; (2008) Analgesic effects of 5-HT2B antagonists in pre-clinical models of colorectal pain. [Poster Presentation], Digestive Disease Week, San Diego, USA , 01-JAN-08 - 01-JAN-08. [Details]
(2008)Beta3 Adrenoceptor Modulation of Visceral Pain - A Possible Role For The Kynurenine Pathway?,
Clarke, G, O'Mahony, S, Hyland, NP, Fitzgerald, P, Dinan, TG, Cryan, JF; (2008) Beta3 Adrenoceptor Modulation of Visceral Pain - A Possible Role For The Kynurenine Pathway?, . [Details]
(2007)19th congress of the European College of Neuropharmacology,
O' Mahony SM, Clarke G, O' Mahony L, Quigley EMM, Cryan JF, Dinan TG; (2007) Depressive behaviours and alterations in the immune and stress response systems following neonatal maternal separation. [Poster Presentation], 19th congress of the European College of Neuropharmacology, Vienna, Austria , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007)The College of Medicine & Health, UCC Joint Health Research Day incorporating Cork University Hospital Research Day,
O' Mahony SM, Fitzgerald P, Coehlo A-M, Taylor C, Cryan JF, Dinan TG.; (2007) Visceral hypersensitivity in two potential animal models of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. [Poster Presentation], The College of Medicine & Health, UCC Joint Health Research Day incorporating Cork University Hospital Research Day, Cork, Ireland , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007)Cork School of Medicine conference,
O'Mahony, S; (2007) Visceral hypersensitivity in two potential animal models of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. [Oral Presentation], Cork School of Medicine conference, Cork , 01-JUL-07 - 01-JUL-07. [Details]
(2007)Irish Society of Gastroenterology,
O'Mahony, S; (2007) Visceral hypersensitivity in the maternally separated and Wistar Kyoto rats: towards animal models of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. [Oral Presentation], Irish Society of Gastroenterology, Dublin , 01-NOV-07 - 01-NOV-07. [Details]
O'Mahony, S; (2007) Depressive behaviours and alterations in the immune and stress response systems following neonatal maternal separation. [Oral Presentation], ECNP, Vienna , 01-OCT-07 - 01-OCT-07. [Details]
(2005)9th annual research day in Cork University Hospital,
O'Mahony, S; (2005) A disorder of the Brain-Gut axis?. [Oral Presentation], 9th annual research day in Cork University Hospital, Cork , 01-JUL-05 - 01-JUL-05. [Details]


Tailored, female specific supplementation to reduce stress, optimise the vaginal health and overall well-being in women Siobhain O'Mahony
Antibiotic treatment for prevention of antipsychotic drug induced body weight gain and associated metabolic dysfunction Siobhain O'Mahony
FemmeBiome trademark Siobhain O'Mahony
Gut Health markers to identify a Biological Signature of Stress during Pregnancy Siobhain O'Mahony


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
Irish Pain Society-Sub-Committee Member2024 /
Review Committee PhD, University of Akansas for Medical Sciences Reviewer/Advisor2022 /
College Academic Programmes and Curriculum Development Committee Member2020 / 2023
College of Science, Engineering and Food Science Student Engagement Committee Member2020 / 2023
Animal Ethical Committee Member2019 / 2022
Member of the Graduate Entry to Medicine oversight committee Coordinator of GM10012008 /
Graduate Entry to Medicine curriculum review committee Member2008 /


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology, University of Maastricht Marie Curie Research Fellow01-JAN-03 / 31-DEC-03
Department of Psychiatry, University College Cork, Post-doctoral researcher01-JUN-06 / 31-MAY-07
GlaxoSmithKline Post-doctoral researcher01-JUN-07 / 31-AUG-08
University College Cork Senior Lecturer01-SEP-08 /


2001University College Cork BSCNeuroscience
2013Universtiy College Cork Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Ed.Teaching and Learning
2002National University of Ireland, Galway MScNeuropharmacology
2006University College Cork PHD

Outreach Activities


Podcast-Mommy Brain Revisited November 2021, Interview on my work on stress and maternal gut health

Knowledge and Dissemination Award -2019- Seminar Series and Stress Reduction Day for Pregnant Women: I was a Co-PI on a HRB funded Knowledge, Exchange and Dissemination award which increased awareness of stress-reducing interventions during pregnancy. We ran two seminar series on the impact of stress during pregnancy with experts in the field to identify methods and research on reducing stress during pregnancy. We also organized a Stress-Reducing Day for Pregnant Women which included pregnancy yoga, art therapy and a "gut-happy" lunch in the Glucksman Art Gallery.

Women's Health Expert Panelist-Science Week 2023, expert panel (e.g. hosted by EVOKE magazine for Science week 2023) where I was described as one of “Irelands top women’s’ health experts”.

Zero Pain Podcast, September 2024, An interview on my work on pain, microbiome

Podcast-Living Room Logic in October 2022, My research on gender differences in pain and the microbiome

Podcast-Narrowing the void in April 2022, Interview on my research and academic career

Magazine article-“Trust your Gut Microbiome” in print and online version of Mind over Matter (November, 2023).

Podcast-Vulval Pain Society October 2021, Interview on my research Women's Health and pain

Radio interviews for example with PJ Coogan on 96fm in July 2022, Interview on my research in sex differences in pain and the microbiome and publication

Conversation Cafe for Endometriosis: myself and my team organized a successful Conversation Café for Endometriosis, River Lee, June 2023 (45 delegates).

"Sex differences in pain” for La Presse, Canadian online journal (July 2022), Magazine article

“Women’s Health and the gut microbiome: what the experts want you to know” for Femtech World (May, 2023);

Working to optimise maternal gut health during pregnancy”, Echo Live (June, 2023),

I give science talks at national school level (e.g Scoil Naomh Fionan, Nohoval) and secondary school (e.g. Presentation College, Bandon) and participate in UCC’s open days for Schools (every year since 2008),

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Journal Of Reproduction And Fertility Guest Editor01-AUG-23 -
Microbiome Editor01-AUG-22 -
Neurogastroenterol & Motility Referee-
Neurobiology Of Pain Guest Editor01-AUG-20 -
Brain Behav Immun Referee-
Behavioural Pharmacology Referee-
Neuropharmacology Referee-
Experimental Brain Research Referee-
Brain Research Referee-
Bmc Gastroenterology Referee-
Journal Of Affective Disorders Referee-
Neuroscience Letters Referee-
European Journal Of Pain Referee-
Plos One Referee-
European Journal Of Pharmacology Referee-
Neurogastroenterology And Motility Referee-
Physiology And Behaviour Referee-
Progress In Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry Referee-

Other Activities


National level: I have been on on the organising committee for the Irish Pain Society Annual Scientific meeting since 2016 and oragnsied the most sucessful meeting here in UCC in Oct, 2023. 
International level: I was the local organiser for the young investigators meeting TANDEM-European Neurogastroenterolgy and Motility conference 2017 and 2019. I was the committee that successfully bid for the International Society for Serotonin Research Meeting which took place in UCC in July 2018 and I served on the local organising committee.

I have participated in UCC’s open days since 2008 for Schools and for Graduate Entry to Medicine. I participate in UCCs postgraduate fair to promote the MSc in Human Anatomy.

Invited Examiner
Internal examiner for 8 PhD vivas, one MSc
External examiner for 4 PhDs (Trinity University, Dublin; Strasbourg, France, Florence Italy) and 1 MSc (Lancaster University, UK). 


Taught MSc in Affective Disorders in Kings College (every year)
Vienna Biocentre PhD symposium in Vienna
Workshop for PhD students in INSERM in Bordeaux

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

Since 2008 I have consistently delivered high quality teaching across 12 different Programmes within UCC. I ensure advancement of disciplinary learning and teaching and focus on developing innovative teaching/learning strategies to enhance learning. 
I  was the Third-year Coordinator for the Neuroscience degree Programme from 2011-2020.  I was the Programme Director for the taught MSc in Human Anatomy (2017-2020) which is the first of its kind in the Republic of Ireland.  I established this Programme in 2017 and through my leadership and strategic efforts it has been a success. I was the Director of the BSc Neuroscience from 2020-2024 and 4th year coordinator. 
I am currently the coordinator of the multi-discipline module GM1001 for Graduate Entry to Medicine. 
I teach and examine anatomy and neuroscience to Graduate Entry to Medicine, Neuroscience, Dentistry, Dental Hygienists, Pharmacy, Science, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy students. This involves course design, curriculum development, and assessment development. 
Modules coordinated:
AN1005-Principles of Human Structure for Dentistry (5 credits)
AN1075-Principles of Human Structure for Pharmacy (5 credits)
AN2003-Principles of Human Structure (5 credits)
GM1001-Graduate Entry to Medicine (20 credits)
Modules I contribute to: GM1001- Fundamentals of Medicine I for Graduate Entry to Medicine 1 GM1002- Fundamentals of Medicine II for Graduate Entry to Medicine 1 GM1003- Fundamentals of Medicine III for Graduate Entry to Medicine 1 GM2001- Fundamentals of Medicine IV for Graduate Entry to Medicine 2 AN1004- Anatomical Basis of Dental Hygiene for Dental Hygiene year 1 AN1005- Principles of Human Structure for Dentistry for Dentistry year 1 AN1060- Topographical Anatomy for Occupational Therapy  year 1 AN1061- Anatomy of Speech and Hearing for Speech and Language Therapy year 1 AN1075- Principles of Human Structure for Pharmacy for Pharmacy  year 1 AN2003- Principles of Human Structure for Science year 2 AN3001- Research Methodology for Neuroscience and Biomedical Science for Neuroscience year 3 and Physiology year 3 AN3003- Neurobiology of Regulatory Systems for Neuroscience year 3 AN3004- Human Regional Anatomy for Neuroscience year 3 AN3005- Topographical Anatomy for Neuroscience year 3 AN3011- Library Project for Neuroscience year 3 AN3013- Neurobiology of Disease for Neuroscience year 3 AN4012- Medical Imaging and Biomedical Devices in Neuroscience for Neuroscience (4) AN4013- Advanced Topics in Neuroscience for Neuroscience year 4 AN6001- Regional and Topographical Anatomy for Osteoarchaeology 

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2022James Collins University College CorkPHDNovel Insights into Early Life Stress-Induced Dysfunction of the Gut-Brain Axis
2014Valeria Felice University College CorkPHDAn investigation into the mechanisms of visceral pain in rodents.
2015Amgad Sbayeh University College CorkMDAnatomy education and the medical curriculum: role of learning strategies and preferred teaching methods
2013Kieran Davey University College CorkPHDThe gut microbiota as a contributing factor in antipsychotic induced weight gain and metabolic dysfunction
2016Joy Balta University College CorkPHDFunctional Educational Characterisation of the Utility of Embalming Fluids for Anatomical Education and Research.

Research Information

Internal Collaborators

Prof Mark Corrigan Cork University HospitalIRELAND
Dr. Fergus McCarthy Cork University Maternity HospitalIRELAND
Dr Harriet Schellekens University College CorkIRELAND
Dr Jane English University College CorkIRELAND
Dr. Ali Khashan UCCIRELAND
Prof. George Shorten Cork University HospitalIRELAND
Dr. Gerard Clarke UCCIRELAND
Prof. John Cryan UCCIRELAND
Dr. Gerard O' Keeffe UCCIRELAND
Prof. Catherine Stanton UCCIRELAND
Prof. Timothy Dinan UCCIRELAND

External Collaborators

 NameOrganisation / InstituteCountry
Prof. Hasse Karlsson Turku UniversityFINLAND
Prof Lorenzo Mannelli University of FlorenceITALY
Prof Iwona Wertel Medical University of LublinPOLAND
Prof Inga Winkler Central European University ViennaAUSTRIA
Prof. Andrew Horne University of EdinburghSCOTLAND
Prof Douglas Gibson University of EdinburghSCOTLAND
Prof Annemiek Nap Radbound UniversityHOLLAND
Prof. Philippa Saunders University of EdinburghSCOTLAND
Prof Ana-maria Zagrean University of BucharestROMANIA
Prof. Tim Oberlander University of British ColumbiaCANADA
Dr. Jodi Pawloski Rennes UniversityFRANCE
Dr. Linnea Karlsson Turku UniversityFINLAND

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Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
